
This is revised version from powershell article (Othello013) in Japanese.
When the code below is coped and pasted in notepad and saved as character code "UTF8 (with BOM)" and file extension "ps1", it will work.
- This is othello game. White and black stones are alternatively and automatically placed.
Places are decided by logic 0 - 6, which is decided in code (0: random, 1: corner prioritized, 2: one zone prioritized, 3: max stones which can be reversed, 4: min stones which can be reversed (from specific turn), 5: Selection of more win routes at the third turn, 6: mix of 0, 3, 5 logics).
- If there is no place, pass is done and the turn is changed to counterpart one.
- If there is no place for both players, the game ends.
- Console only displays results of each game. Data on board is saved in textfile.

■ Example
■ Code
# =========================================================================
# [Board]クラス: オセロの盤(10×10マス (黒("●")、白("〇")、空欄("_")のどれか。)、表示の機能、結果集計機能
# [Player]クラス: プレイヤー(白か黒、ロジックを持つ)、石を置く機能、裏返す機能
# [Logic]クラス:0,ランダム 1,四隅優先 2,1つの区画優先(左上、右上、右下、左下) 3,最大数(最大数となるものでランダム) 4,最小数(途中から変更) 5,3手目で勝ち筋となる手が多いものを選択 6,ミックス
# [Utility]クラス: よく使う機能をメソッドに取り出したクラス
# $turn: 順番(player AかB)
# $endflag: ゲーム終了を判断するフラグ(passが両プレイヤーから連続した場合に終了)
# $trialnum: 現在、何手目かのカウント(無効となる場所に石を置いたときはカウントされない)
# =========================================================================
# $TEXTFILE= (結果を保存するファイル名)
# $GAME_NUM = (オセロを行う回数)
# $PLAYER_A_LOGIC=(プレイヤーAのロジック: 0~6)
# $PLAYER_B_LOGIC=(プレイヤーBのロジック: 0~6)
# =========================================================================

$GAME_NUM = 1000

# =========================================================================
$result = @(0,0,0)

# GAME_NUMの数だけゲームを行う
for ($i=1; $i -le $GAME_NUM ; $i++) {

   $othboard = [Board]::new()
   $playerA = [Player]::new("〇", $PLAYER_A_LOGIC)
   $playerB = [Player]::new("●", $PLAYER_B_LOGIC)
   $turn = $playerA
   $endflag = 0
   $trialnum = 0

   echo  ("Game:"+$i+"| Start Othello") | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
   $othboard.showBoard($othboard.boardData) | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
# 1ゲームの中、石を置く処理を繰り返す。
   while($true) {
      if ($turn -eq $playerA) {
         $position = $playerA.placeStone($othboard.boardData,$playerA.logic)   
         if ($position -eq "pass") { 
            $endflag += $endflag + 1
            $turn = $playerB
         } else {
            $othboard.boardData = $playerA.reverseStones($position, $othboard.boardData)
            $turn = $playerB
      } elseif ($turn -eq $playerB) {
         $position = $playerB.placeStone($othboard.boardData,$playerB.logic)   
         if ($position -eq "pass") { 
            $endflag += $endflag + 1
            $turn = $playerA
         } else {
            $othboard.boardData = $playerB.reverseStones($position, $othboard.boardData)
            $turn = $playerA

      echo ("=====Trial:"+$trialnum+"=====") | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
      [String]$str = $othboard.showBoard($othboard.boardData)   
      echo ($str) | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append

      if ($endflag -ge 2) {
      } elseif ($trialnum -ge 60) {

   [String]$str = $othboard.sumResult($othboard.boardData, $result)
   echo ($str + " Game:"+$i+" | End Othello")
   echo ($str + " Game:"+$i+" | End Othello") | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
echo ("●"+$result[0]+"vs〇"+$result[1]+"vsE"+$result[2])

## [Board]クラス:
# コンストラクタ
# 表示の機能:[String]showBoard($boardData)
# 結果集計機能:[String]sumResult($boardData, $result)
class Board {


   Board() {
   [String]showBoard($boardData) {
      for ($n=1; $n -lt 8; $n++) {
      return $boardStr

   [String]sumResult($boardData, $result) {
      $whitecnt = 0
      $blackcnt = 0

      for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
         for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
            if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq "●") {
            } elseif ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq "〇") {
      if ($blackcnt -gt $whitecnt) {
      } elseif ($blackcnt -lt $whitecnt) {
      } elseif ($blackcnt -eq $whitecnt) {
      return ("●"+$blackcnt+"vs〇"+$whitecnt)

## [Player]クラス: 
# コンストラクタ
# 石を置く機能:[String]placeStone($boardData, $logic_num)(手動入力の場合、[String]placeStone($boardData))
# 裏返す機能:[String[][]]reverseStones($position, $boardData)
class Player {


   Player($color, $logicNum) {
      $this.playerColor = $color
      $this.logic = $logicNum

   [String]placeStone($boardData, $logic_num) {

      $logic_num = $this.logic
      $position ="00"

      for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
         for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
            if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
               $blankArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m

      if ($blankArray.count -eq 0) {
         $position = "pass"
      } else{         
         if ($blankArray.count -eq 1) {
         $inputArray = $blankArray
         } else {          
            if ($logic_num -eq 0) {
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_random($blankArray)
            }elseif ($logic_num -eq 1){
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_corner($blankArray, $boardData)           
            }elseif ($logic_num -eq 2){
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_zone($blankArray, $boardData)           
            }elseif ($logic_num -eq 3){
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_max($blankArray, $boardData, $this)           
            }elseif ($logic_num -eq 4){
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_min($blankArray, $boardData, $this)           
            }elseif ($logic_num -eq 5){
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_winroute($blankArray, $boardData, $this)           
            }elseif ($logic_num -eq 6){
                $inputArray = [Logic]::logic_mix($blankArray, $boardData, $this)           

         foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
            $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)         
            $tempClass = [Player]::new($this.playercolor, $this.logic)
            $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
            $canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
            if($canBeReversed) {
               $position = "pass"
            } else {
   return $position
   [String]placeStone($boardData) {
      while ($true) {
         $position = Read-Host ("Player ("+$this.playerColor+")")
         if($position -eq "pass") {
         } elseif($position.length -le 1) {
         } else {
            if (($line -ge 1) -And ($line -le 8) -And ($row -ge 1) -And ($row -le 8)) {
               if ($boardData[$line][$row] -eq "_") {
                  $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)

                  $tempClass = [Player]::new($this.playercolor, $this.logic)
                  $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
                  $canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)

                  if($canBeReversed) {
                  } else {   break
      return $position
   [String[][]]reverseStones($position, $boardData) {
      if ($position -eq "pass") {
      return $boardData
      for ($checkcnt=0; $checkcnt -lt 8; $checkcnt++) {

         for ($extension=0; $extension -lt 8; $extension++) {
            if ($checkcnt -eq 0) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 1) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 2) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 3) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 4) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 5) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 6) {
            } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 7) {
            } else {

            if ($boardData[$startline][$startrow] -eq "_") {
            } elseif ($boardData[$startline][$startrow] -ne $this.playerColor) {
            } elseif ($boardData[$startline][$startrow] -eq $this.playerColor) {
               if ($opponentstonenum -ge 1) {
                  if ($checkcnt -eq 0) {
                     for ($startline;$startline -le $line;$startline++) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 1) {
                     for ($startline;$startline -le $line;$startline++) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 2) {
                     for ($startrow;$startrow -ge $row;$startrow--) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 3) {
                     for ($startrow;$startrow -ge $row;$startrow--) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 4) {
                     for ($startline;$startline -ge $line;$startline--) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 5) {
                     for ($startline;$startline -ge $line;$startline--) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 6) {
                     for ($startrow;$startrow -le $row;$startrow++) {
                  } elseif ($checkcnt -eq 7) {
                     for ($startrow;$startrow -le $row;$startrow++) {
               } else {
   return $boardData

## [Logic]クラス: 
Class Logic{

static [String[]]logic_random($blankArray) {
               $inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
               return $inputArray

static [String[]]logic_corner($blankArray, $boardData) {
               $inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
               $cornerArray = @()
               if ($boardData[1][1] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "11"
               if ($boardData[8][1] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "81"
               if ($boardData[1][8] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "18"
               if ($boardData[8][8] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "88"
               $inputArray = $cornerArray + $inputArray

               return $inputArray

static [String[]]logic_zone($blankArray, $boardData) {
             $zoneArray = @()

               for ($n=1; $n -le 4; $n++) {
                  for ($m=1; $m -le 4; $m++) {
                     if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
                        $zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
               if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
               } elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1)  {
                  $inputArray = $zoneArray
               } else {
                  $inputArray = get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
               $zoneArray = @()

               for ($n=1; $n -le 4; $n++) {
                  for ($m=5; $m -le 8; $m++) {
                     if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
                        $zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m

               if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
               } elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1)  {
                  $inputArray = $zoneArray
               } else {
                  $inputArray = $inputArray + (get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue))
               $zoneArray = @()

               for ($n=5; $n -le 8; $n++) {
                  for ($m=5; $m -le 8; $m++) {
                     if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
                        $zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m

               if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
               } elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1)  {
                  $inputArray = $zoneArray
               } else {
                  $inputArray = $inputArray + (get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue))
               $zoneArray = @()

               for ($n=5; $n -le 8; $n++) {
                  for ($m=1; $m -le 4; $m++) {
                     if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
                        $zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
               if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
               } elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1)  {
                  $inputArray = $zoneArray
               } else {
                  $inputArray = $inputArray + (get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue))
             return $inputArray


static [String[]]logic_max($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {

               $max_diff_num = 0
               $tempposition ="00"
               $inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
               foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
                  $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
                  $tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playercolor, $Player.logic)
                  $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)                  
                  $diff_num = [Utility]::compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)

                  if ($diff_num -gt $max_diff_num) {
                     $max_diff_num = $diff_num
                     $tempposition = $position
               $inputArray[0] = $tempposition
             return $inputArray

static [String[]]logic_min($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
               $min_diff_num = 32
               $tempposition ="00"
               $inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
               if($blankArray.count -le 55) {
               } else{
                  foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
                     $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
                     $tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playercolor, $Player.logic)
                     $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
                     $diff_num = [Utility]::compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)
                     if ($diff_num -ne 0) {
                        if ($diff_num -lt $min_diff_num) {
                           $min_diff_num = $diff_num
                           $tempposition = $position
               $inputArray[0] = $tempposition
             return $inputArray


static [String[]]logic_winroute($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
               $max_win_route_rate = 0
               $tempposition ="00"
               $inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
               $boardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                  foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
                     $win_route = 0
                     $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
                     $tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playerColor, $Player.logic)
                     $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
                     $canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
                     if($canBeReversed) {
                     } else {
                        if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
                           $tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                           $tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "〇")
                              foreach ($nextBlackTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
                                 $boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextBlackTurnBoard, "●"))
                        } elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") { 
                           $tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                           $tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "●")
                              foreach ($nextWhiteTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
                                 $boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextWhiteTurnBoard, "〇"))

                        foreach ($field in $boardList) {
                           $fieldLeth = ""
                           foreach($item in $field) {
                              $fieldLeth = $fieldLeth + ($item -join "")
                           $blackcnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "●","").Length
                           $whitecnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "〇","").Length
                           if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
                              if($blackcnt -gt $whitecnt) {
                           } elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") { 
                              if($whitecnt -gt $blackcnt) {

                        if ($boardList.count -eq 0) {
                        } else {
                           if (($win_route/$boardList.count) -ge $max_win_route_rate) {
                              $max_win_route_rate = $win_route/$boardList.count
                              $tempposition = $position
               $inputArray[0] = $tempposition
            return $inputArray

static [String[]]logic_mix($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
               $max_diff_num = 0
               $tempposition ="00"
               $maxboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
               $inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)

               foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
                  $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
                  $tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playercolor, $Player.logic)
                  $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
                  $diff_num = [Utility]::compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)

                  if ($diff_num -gt $max_diff_num) {
                     $max_diff_num = $diff_num
               $max_win_route_rate = 0
               $tempposition ="00"
               $boardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                  foreach ($position in $maxboardList) {
                     $win_route = 0
                     $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
                     $tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playerColor, $Player.logic)
                     $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
                     $canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
                     if($canBeReversed) {
                     } else {
                        if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
                           $tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                           $tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "〇")
                              foreach ($nextBlackTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
                                 $boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextBlackTurnBoard, "●"))
                        } elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") { 
                           $tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
                           $tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "●")
                              foreach ($nextWhiteTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
                                 $boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextWhiteTurnBoard, "〇"))

                        foreach ($field in $boardList) {
                           $fieldLeth = ""
                           foreach($item in $field) {
                              $fieldLeth = $fieldLeth + ($item -join "")
                           $blackcnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "●","").Length
                           $whitecnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "〇","").Length
                           if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
                              if($blackcnt -gt $whitecnt) {
                           } elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") { 
                              if($whitecnt -gt $blackcnt) {

                        if ($boardList.count -eq 0) {
                        } else {
                           if (($win_route/$boardList.count) -ge $max_win_route_rate) {
                              $max_win_route_rate = $win_route/$boardList.count
                              $tempposition = $position
               $inputArray[0] = $tempposition

               $cornerArray = @()
               if ($boardData[1][1] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "11"
               if ($boardData[8][1] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "81"
               if ($boardData[1][8] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "18"
               if ($boardData[8][8] -eq '_') {
                  $cornerArray += "88"
               $inputArray = $cornerArray + $inputArray
            return $inputArray

## [Utility]クラス: 
# 盤上のデータを比較する機能:[Boolean]compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
# 盤上のデータを比較する機能(差の取得):[Int]compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)
# 盤上のデータをコピーする機能:[String[][]]copyBoard($boardData)
# 盤上のデータから石をおくことができる場所に石を置いた際の盤上のデータのリストを返す
Class Utility {

#盤上のデータを比較する機能(引数:盤上データ、盤上のデータ、戻し値:一致するかどうか($true, $false))
   static [Boolean]compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData) {
      for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
         for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
            if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq $tempBoard[$n][$m]) {
               return $false
   return $true

   static [Int]compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData) {
      [Int]$diff_num = 0

      for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
         for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
            if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq $tempBoard[$n][$m]) {
   return $diff_num

   static [String[][]]copyBoard($boardData) {
      for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
         for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
            $tempBoard[$n][$m] = $boardData[$n][$m]
   return $tempBoard

   static [System.Collections.ArrayList]reversedBoardList($boardData, $color) {
      $boardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
      $tempClass = [Player]::new($color, 0)

      for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
         for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
            if ($boardData[$n][$m] -ne '_') {
            } else {
               $position = [String]$n + [String]$m
               $tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
               $tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
               $canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
               if($canBeReversed) {
               } else {
   return $boardList