This is revised version from powershell article (Othello013) in Japanese.
When the code below is coped and pasted in notepad and saved as character code "UTF8 (with BOM)" and file extension "ps1", it will work.
- This is othello game. White and black stones are alternatively and automatically placed.
Places are decided by logic 0 - 6, which is decided in code (0: random, 1: corner prioritized, 2: one zone prioritized, 3: max stones which can be reversed, 4: min stones which can be reversed (from specific turn), 5: Selection of more win routes at the third turn, 6: mix of 0, 3, 5 logics).
- If there is no place, pass is done and the turn is changed to counterpart one.
- If there is no place for both players, the game ends.
- Console only displays results of each game. Data on board is saved in textfile.
■ Example
■ Code
# =========================================================================
# [Board]クラス: オセロの盤(10×10マス (黒("●")、白("〇")、空欄("_")のどれか。)、表示の機能、結果集計機能
# [Player]クラス: プレイヤー(白か黒、ロジックを持つ)、石を置く機能、裏返す機能
# [Logic]クラス:0,ランダム 1,四隅優先 2,1つの区画優先(左上、右上、右下、左下) 3,最大数(最大数となるものでランダム) 4,最小数(途中から変更) 5,3手目で勝ち筋となる手が多いものを選択 6,ミックス
# [Utility]クラス: よく使う機能をメソッドに取り出したクラス
# $turn: 順番(player AかB)
# $endflag: ゲーム終了を判断するフラグ(passが両プレイヤーから連続した場合に終了)
# $trialnum: 現在、何手目かのカウント(無効となる場所に石を置いたときはカウントされない)
# =========================================================================
# $TEXTFILE= (結果を保存するファイル名)
# $GAME_NUM = (オセロを行う回数)
# $PLAYER_A_LOGIC=(プレイヤーAのロジック: 0~6)
# $PLAYER_B_LOGIC=(プレイヤーBのロジック: 0~6)
# =========================================================================
$GAME_NUM = 1000
# =========================================================================
$result = @(0,0,0)
# GAME_NUMの数だけゲームを行う
for ($i=1; $i -le $GAME_NUM ; $i++) {
$othboard = [Board]::new()
$playerA = [Player]::new("〇", $PLAYER_A_LOGIC)
$playerB = [Player]::new("●", $PLAYER_B_LOGIC)
$turn = $playerA
$endflag = 0
$trialnum = 0
echo ("Game:"+$i+"| Start Othello") | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
$othboard.showBoard($othboard.boardData) | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
# 1ゲームの中、石を置く処理を繰り返す。
while($true) {
if ($turn -eq $playerA) {
$position = $playerA.placeStone($othboard.boardData,$playerA.logic)
if ($position -eq "pass") {
$endflag += $endflag + 1
$turn = $playerB
} else {
$othboard.boardData = $playerA.reverseStones($position, $othboard.boardData)
$turn = $playerB
} elseif ($turn -eq $playerB) {
$position = $playerB.placeStone($othboard.boardData,$playerB.logic)
if ($position -eq "pass") {
$endflag += $endflag + 1
$turn = $playerA
} else {
$othboard.boardData = $playerB.reverseStones($position, $othboard.boardData)
$turn = $playerA
echo ("=====Trial:"+$trialnum+"=====") | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
[String]$str = $othboard.showBoard($othboard.boardData)
echo ($str) | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
if ($endflag -ge 2) {
} elseif ($trialnum -ge 60) {
[String]$str = $othboard.sumResult($othboard.boardData, $result)
echo ($str + " Game:"+$i+" | End Othello")
echo ($str + " Game:"+$i+" | End Othello") | Out-file $TEXTFILE -Append
echo ("●"+$result[0]+"vs〇"+$result[1]+"vsE"+$result[2])
## [Board]クラス:
# コンストラクタ
# 表示の機能:[String]showBoard($boardData)
# 結果集計機能:[String]sumResult($boardData, $result)
class Board {
Board() {
[String]showBoard($boardData) {
for ($n=1; $n -lt 8; $n++) {
return $boardStr
[String]sumResult($boardData, $result) {
$whitecnt = 0
$blackcnt = 0
for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq "●") {
} elseif ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq "〇") {
if ($blackcnt -gt $whitecnt) {
} elseif ($blackcnt -lt $whitecnt) {
} elseif ($blackcnt -eq $whitecnt) {
return ("●"+$blackcnt+"vs〇"+$whitecnt)
## [Player]クラス:
# コンストラクタ
# 石を置く機能:[String]placeStone($boardData, $logic_num)(手動入力の場合、[String]placeStone($boardData))
# 裏返す機能:[String[][]]reverseStones($position, $boardData)
class Player {
Player($color, $logicNum) {
$this.playerColor = $color
$this.logic = $logicNum
[String]placeStone($boardData, $logic_num) {
$logic_num = $this.logic
$position ="00"
for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
$blankArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
if ($blankArray.count -eq 0) {
$position = "pass"
} else{
if ($blankArray.count -eq 1) {
$inputArray = $blankArray
} else {
if ($logic_num -eq 0) {
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_random($blankArray)
}elseif ($logic_num -eq 1){
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_corner($blankArray, $boardData)
}elseif ($logic_num -eq 2){
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_zone($blankArray, $boardData)
}elseif ($logic_num -eq 3){
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_max($blankArray, $boardData, $this)
}elseif ($logic_num -eq 4){
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_min($blankArray, $boardData, $this)
}elseif ($logic_num -eq 5){
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_winroute($blankArray, $boardData, $this)
}elseif ($logic_num -eq 6){
$inputArray = [Logic]::logic_mix($blankArray, $boardData, $this)
foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($this.playercolor, $this.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
if($canBeReversed) {
$position = "pass"
} else {
return $position
[String]placeStone($boardData) {
while ($true) {
$position = Read-Host ("Player ("+$this.playerColor+")")
if($position -eq "pass") {
} elseif($position.length -le 1) {
} else {
if (($line -ge 1) -And ($line -le 8) -And ($row -ge 1) -And ($row -le 8)) {
if ($boardData[$line][$row] -eq "_") {
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($this.playercolor, $this.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
if($canBeReversed) {
} else { break
return $position
[String[][]]reverseStones($position, $boardData) {
if ($position -eq "pass") {
return $boardData
for ($checkcnt=0; $checkcnt -lt 8; $checkcnt++) {
for ($extension=0; $extension -lt 8; $extension++) {
if ($checkcnt -eq 0) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 1) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 2) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 3) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 4) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 5) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 6) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 7) {
} else {
if ($boardData[$startline][$startrow] -eq "_") {
} elseif ($boardData[$startline][$startrow] -ne $this.playerColor) {
} elseif ($boardData[$startline][$startrow] -eq $this.playerColor) {
if ($opponentstonenum -ge 1) {
if ($checkcnt -eq 0) {
for ($startline;$startline -le $line;$startline++) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 1) {
for ($startline;$startline -le $line;$startline++) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 2) {
for ($startrow;$startrow -ge $row;$startrow--) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 3) {
for ($startrow;$startrow -ge $row;$startrow--) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 4) {
for ($startline;$startline -ge $line;$startline--) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 5) {
for ($startline;$startline -ge $line;$startline--) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 6) {
for ($startrow;$startrow -le $row;$startrow++) {
} elseif ($checkcnt -eq 7) {
for ($startrow;$startrow -le $row;$startrow++) {
} else {
return $boardData
## [Logic]クラス:
Class Logic{
static [String[]]logic_random($blankArray) {
$inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
return $inputArray
static [String[]]logic_corner($blankArray, $boardData) {
$inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
$cornerArray = @()
if ($boardData[1][1] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "11"
if ($boardData[8][1] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "81"
if ($boardData[1][8] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "18"
if ($boardData[8][8] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "88"
$inputArray = $cornerArray + $inputArray
return $inputArray
static [String[]]logic_zone($blankArray, $boardData) {
$zoneArray = @()
for ($n=1; $n -le 4; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 4; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
$zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
} elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1) {
$inputArray = $zoneArray
} else {
$inputArray = get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
$zoneArray = @()
for ($n=1; $n -le 4; $n++) {
for ($m=5; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
$zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
} elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1) {
$inputArray = $zoneArray
} else {
$inputArray = $inputArray + (get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue))
$zoneArray = @()
for ($n=5; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=5; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
$zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
} elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1) {
$inputArray = $zoneArray
} else {
$inputArray = $inputArray + (get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue))
$zoneArray = @()
for ($n=5; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 4; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq '_') {
$zoneArray+= [string]$n + [string]$m
if($zoneArray.count -eq 0) {
} elseif($zoneArray.count -eq 1) {
$inputArray = $zoneArray
} else {
$inputArray = $inputArray + (get-random -input $zoneArray -count ([int]::MaxValue))
return $inputArray
static [String[]]logic_max($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
$max_diff_num = 0
$tempposition ="00"
$inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playercolor, $Player.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$diff_num = [Utility]::compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)
if ($diff_num -gt $max_diff_num) {
$max_diff_num = $diff_num
$tempposition = $position
$inputArray[0] = $tempposition
return $inputArray
static [String[]]logic_min($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
$min_diff_num = 32
$tempposition ="00"
$inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
if($blankArray.count -le 55) {
} else{
foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playercolor, $Player.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$diff_num = [Utility]::compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)
if ($diff_num -ne 0) {
if ($diff_num -lt $min_diff_num) {
$min_diff_num = $diff_num
$tempposition = $position
$inputArray[0] = $tempposition
return $inputArray
static [String[]]logic_winroute($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
$max_win_route_rate = 0
$tempposition ="00"
$inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
$boardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
$win_route = 0
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playerColor, $Player.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
if($canBeReversed) {
} else {
if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
$tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "〇")
foreach ($nextBlackTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
$boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextBlackTurnBoard, "●"))
} elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") {
$tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "●")
foreach ($nextWhiteTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
$boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextWhiteTurnBoard, "〇"))
foreach ($field in $boardList) {
$fieldLeth = ""
foreach($item in $field) {
$fieldLeth = $fieldLeth + ($item -join "")
$blackcnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "●","").Length
$whitecnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "〇","").Length
if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
if($blackcnt -gt $whitecnt) {
} elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") {
if($whitecnt -gt $blackcnt) {
if ($boardList.count -eq 0) {
} else {
if (($win_route/$boardList.count) -ge $max_win_route_rate) {
$max_win_route_rate = $win_route/$boardList.count
$tempposition = $position
$inputArray[0] = $tempposition
return $inputArray
static [String[]]logic_mix($blankArray, $boardData, $Player) {
$max_diff_num = 0
$tempposition ="00"
$maxboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$inputArray = get-random -input $blankArray -count ([int]::MaxValue)
foreach ($position in $inputArray) {
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playercolor, $Player.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$diff_num = [Utility]::compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)
if ($diff_num -gt $max_diff_num) {
$max_diff_num = $diff_num
$max_win_route_rate = 0
$tempposition ="00"
$boardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
foreach ($position in $maxboardList) {
$win_route = 0
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass = [Player]::new($Player.playerColor, $Player.logic)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
if($canBeReversed) {
} else {
if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
$tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "〇")
foreach ($nextBlackTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
$boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextBlackTurnBoard, "●"))
} elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") {
$tempboardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$tempboardList = [Utility]::reversedBoardList($tempBoard, "●")
foreach ($nextWhiteTurnBoard in $tempboardList) {
$boardList.AddRange([Utility]::reversedBoardList($nextWhiteTurnBoard, "〇"))
foreach ($field in $boardList) {
$fieldLeth = ""
foreach($item in $field) {
$fieldLeth = $fieldLeth + ($item -join "")
$blackcnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "●","").Length
$whitecnt = $fieldLeth.Length - ($fieldLeth -replace "〇","").Length
if($Player.playerColor -eq "●") {
if($blackcnt -gt $whitecnt) {
} elseif ($Player.playerColor -eq "〇") {
if($whitecnt -gt $blackcnt) {
if ($boardList.count -eq 0) {
} else {
if (($win_route/$boardList.count) -ge $max_win_route_rate) {
$max_win_route_rate = $win_route/$boardList.count
$tempposition = $position
$inputArray[0] = $tempposition
$cornerArray = @()
if ($boardData[1][1] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "11"
if ($boardData[8][1] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "81"
if ($boardData[1][8] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "18"
if ($boardData[8][8] -eq '_') {
$cornerArray += "88"
$inputArray = $cornerArray + $inputArray
return $inputArray
## [Utility]クラス:
# 盤上のデータを比較する機能:[Boolean]compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
# 盤上のデータを比較する機能(差の取得):[Int]compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData)
# 盤上のデータをコピーする機能:[String[][]]copyBoard($boardData)
# 盤上のデータから石をおくことができる場所に石を置いた際の盤上のデータのリストを返す
Class Utility {
#盤上のデータを比較する機能(引数:盤上データ、盤上のデータ、戻し値:一致するかどうか($true, $false))
static [Boolean]compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData) {
for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq $tempBoard[$n][$m]) {
return $false
return $true
static [Int]compareBoardDiffNum($tempBoard, $boardData) {
[Int]$diff_num = 0
for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -eq $tempBoard[$n][$m]) {
return $diff_num
static [String[][]]copyBoard($boardData) {
for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
$tempBoard[$n][$m] = $boardData[$n][$m]
return $tempBoard
static [System.Collections.ArrayList]reversedBoardList($boardData, $color) {
$boardList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
$tempClass = [Player]::new($color, 0)
for ($n=1; $n -le 8; $n++) {
for ($m=1; $m -le 8; $m++) {
if ($boardData[$n][$m] -ne '_') {
} else {
$position = [String]$n + [String]$m
$tempBoard = [Utility]::copyBoard($boardData)
$tempClass.reverseStones($position, $tempBoard)
$canBeReversed = [Utility]::compareBoard($tempBoard, $boardData)
if($canBeReversed) {
} else {
return $boardList