
This is revised version from batch file articles (Othello002 ~ 010) in Japanese.
When the code below is coped and pasted in notepad and saved as character code "ANSI" and file extension "bat", it will work.
- This is othello game. White and black stones are alternatively and automatically placed.
Places are decided by deciding a start point at random. If it cannot be placed on the start point, another point to be placed will be found in the down (or right) direction.
- If there is no place, pass is done and the turn is changed to counterpart one.
- If there is no place for both players, the game ends.

■ Example
■ Code
@echo off

rem ==============================Start Setting==============================

echo Start Othello
echo If there is no place for stone, input "pass"

set position=00
set /a line=0
set /a row=0
set turnchangeflag=0
set trialnum=1
set player=A
set playerBtrial=0
set playerAtrial=0
set index=-1
set endindex=-1

rem %1 is command line parameter. If something is set, file is created and data is saved.
rem ------------------------------
if "%1"=="" (
rem No save
   ) else (
      echo Filename:"%1.txt"
rem ------------------------------

rem /l:optional symbol, %%n:variable within for code、(1,1,8):(start number, increase, end number)
rem initial setting on field, stone (white:〇, black:●), :space:_
rem ------------------------------
for /l %%n in (0,1,9) do (
   for /l %%m in (0,1,9) do (
      set array[%%n][%%m]=_
set array[4][4]=〇
set array[4][5]=●
set array[5][4]=●
set array[5][5]=〇
rem ------------------------------

rem initial display for field
rem ------------------------------
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion 
for /l %%n in (1,1,8) do (
   echo !array[%%n][1]!!array[%%n][2]!!array[%%n][3]!!array[%%n][4]!!array[%%n][5]!!array[%%n][6]!!array[%%n][7]!!array[%%n][8]!
rem ------------------------------
rem ==============================Start Setting==============================

rem ==============================Playing Othello==============================
set checkcnt=1

rem If field is all filled, go to "result".
if %trialnum% gtr 60 (
   goto :result

rem ------------------------------
if %player%==A (
   if %playerAtrial%==0 (
      set /a index=%random%*63/32767+1

   if %playerAtrial%==0 (
      set /a endindex=index
      set /a playerAtrial=playerAtrial+1
      set /a line=%index%/8+1
      set /a row=%index%%%8+1
      set /a index=index+1
   ) else (
      if %index%==64 (
         set /a index=index-64
         set /a playerAtrial=playerAtrial+1
         set /a line=0
         set /a row=0
      ) else (
         set /a playerAtrial=playerAtrial+1
         set /a line=%index%/8+1
         set /a row=%index%%%8+1
         set /a index=index+1
) else if %player%==B (
   if %playerBtrial%==0 (
      set /a index=%random%*63/32767+1

   if %playerBtrial%==0 (
      set /a endindex=index
      set /a playerBtrial=playerBtrial+1
      set /a line=%index%/8+1
      set /a row=%index%%%8+1
      set /a index=index+1
   ) else (
      if %index%==64 (
         set /a index=index-64
         set /a playerBtrial=playerBtrial+1
         set /a line=0
         set /a row=0
      ) else (
         set /a playerBtrial=playerBtrial+1
         set /a line=%index%/8+1
         set /a row=%index%%%8+1
         set /a index=index+1

set position=%line%,%row%
if %index%==%endindex% (
   if %playerBtrial% gtr 1 (
      set position=pass
   ) else if %playerAtrial% gtr 1 (
      set position=pass
rem echo %playerAtrial%,%playerBtrial%,%index%,%line%,%row%,%position%,%turnchangeflag%
rem ------------------------------

rem Trim space (half-width, full-width) before or after characters. If space only, go to trial.
rem ------------------------------
if "%position:~0,1%"==" " (
   SET position=%position:~1%
if "%position:~-1%"==" " (
   SET position=%position:~0,-1%
if "%position:~0,1%"==" " (
   SET position=%position:~1%
if "%position:~-1%"==" " (
   SET position=%position:~0,-1%
if "%position%"=="" (
   goto :trial
rem ------------------------------

rem If pass is inputted, player turn is changed and flag (turnchangeflag) is decreased, and if it exceeds -1, go to "result".
rem ------------------------------
if "%position%"=="pass" (
   set /a turnchangeflag=turnchangeflag-1

   if %turnchangeflag% lss -1 (
      goto :result
   ) else if %player%==A (
      set player=B
      set playerAtrial=0
      goto :trial
   ) else if %player%==B (
      set player=A
      set playerBtrial=0
      goto :trial
) else (
   set line=%position:~0,1%
   set row=%position:~-1%
rem ------------------------------

rem Check if stone is placed within the field or if stone is already placed on the position.
rem ------------------------------
if %line% gtr 8 (
   GOTO :trial
if %row% gtr 8 (
   GOTO :trial
if %line% lss 1 (
   GOTO :trial
if %row% lss 1 (
   GOTO :trial
if not !array[%line%][%row%]!==_ (
   GOTO :trial
rem ------------------------------

rem ==============================Reverse Logic==============================


set startline=%line%
set startrow=%row%
set opponentstonenum=0


rem Check direction depends on checkcnt number (i.e. 1 means up, 2 means upper right ...)
rem ------------------------------
if %checkcnt%==1 (
   set /a startline=startline-1
) else if %checkcnt%==2 (
   set /a startline=startline-1
   set /a startrow=startrow+1
) else if %checkcnt%==3 (
   set /a startrow=startrow+1
) else if %checkcnt%==4 (
   set /a startline=startline+1
   set /a startrow=startrow+1
) else if %checkcnt%==5 (
   set /a startline=startline+1
) else if %checkcnt%==6 (
   set /a startline=startline+1
   set /a startrow=startrow-1
) else if %checkcnt%==7 (
   set /a startrow=startrow-1
) else if %checkcnt%==8 (
   set /a startline=startline-1
   set /a startrow=startrow-1
) else (
rem ------------------------------
rem If there is reversible stone, flag (turnchangeflag) will be 1 and the following code is executed.
rem ------------------------------
   if %turnchangeflag%==1 (
      set /a trialnum=trialnum+1
      echo Trialnum:%trialnum%, Player:%player%, %position%
      for /l %%n in (1,1,8) do (
         echo !array[%%n][1]!!array[%%n][2]!!array[%%n][3]!!array[%%n][4]!!array[%%n][5]!!array[%%n][6]!!array[%%n][7]!!array[%%n][8]!
      set /a turnchangeflag=0

      if "%1"=="" (
         rem No save
      ) else (
         echo Trialnum:%trialnum%, Player:%player%, %position% >> "%1.txt"
         for /l %%n in (1,1,8) do (
            echo !array[%%n][1]!!array[%%n][2]!!array[%%n][3]!!array[%%n][4]!!array[%%n][5]!!array[%%n][6]!!array[%%n][7]!!array[%%n][8]! >> "%1.txt"

      if %player%==A (
         set player=B
      ) else if %player%==B (
         set player=A
   goto :trial

rem If position to be checked is space (_), go to next direction.
rem If counterpart stone, check one further position with flag(opponentstonenum) up.
rem If own stone with flag(opponentstonenum) of 1 or more, reverse stones.
rem If there is one reversible stone, change player (increase flag(turnchangeflag)) 
rem ------------------------------
if %player%==A (
   if !array[%startline%][%startrow%]!==_ (
      set /a checkcnt=checkcnt+1
      goto :check
   ) else if !array[%startline%][%startrow%]!==● (
      set /a opponentstonenum=opponentstonenum+1
      goto :checkline
   ) else if !array[%startline%][%startrow%]!==〇 (
      if %opponentstonenum% geq 1 (
         if %checkcnt%==1 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][%startrow%]=〇
         ) else if %checkcnt%==2 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=〇
               set /a startrow=startrow-1
         ) else if %checkcnt%==3 (
            for /l %%n in (%row%,1,%startrow%) do (
               set array[%startline%][%%n]=〇
         ) else if %checkcnt%==4 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,-1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=〇
               set /a startrow=startrow-1
         ) else if %checkcnt%==5 (
            for /l %%n in (%line%,1,%startline%) do (
               set array[%%n][%startrow%]=〇
         ) else if %checkcnt%==6 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,-1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=〇
               set /a startrow=startrow+1
         ) else if %checkcnt%==7 (
            for /l %%n in (%startrow%,1,%row%) do (
               set array[%startline%][%%n]=〇
         ) else if %checkcnt%==8 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=〇
               set /a startrow=startrow+1
         set turnchangeflag=1
         set playerAtrial=0
      set /a checkcnt=checkcnt+1
      goto :check

rem Basically same as Player A
rem Flag(playerBtrial) to check a position in which stone can be placed is reset.
rem ------------------------------
if %player%==B (
   if !array[%startline%][%startrow%]!==_ (
      set /a checkcnt=checkcnt+1
      goto :check
   ) else if !array[%startline%][%startrow%]!==〇 (
      set /a opponentstonenum=opponentstonenum+1
      goto :checkline
   ) else if !array[%startline%][%startrow%]!==● (
      if %opponentstonenum% geq 1 (
         if %checkcnt%==1 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][%startrow%]=●
         ) else if %checkcnt%==2 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=●
               set /a startrow=startrow-1
         ) else if %checkcnt%==3 (
            for /l %%n in (%row%,1,%startrow%) do (
               set array[%startline%][%%n]=●
         ) else if %checkcnt%==4 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,-1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=●
               set /a startrow=startrow-1
         ) else if %checkcnt%==5 (
            for /l %%n in (%line%,1,%startline%) do (
               set array[%%n][%startrow%]=●
         ) else if %checkcnt%==6 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,-1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=●
               set /a startrow=startrow+1
         ) else if %checkcnt%==7 (
            for /l %%n in (%startrow%,1,%row%) do (
               set array[%startline%][%%n]=●
         ) else if %checkcnt%==8 (
            for /l %%n in (%startline%,1,%line%) do (
               set array[%%n][!startrow!]=●
               set /a startrow=startrow+1
      set turnchangeflag=1
      set playerBtrial=0
   set /a checkcnt=checkcnt+1
   goto :check
rem ------------------------------
rem ==============================Reverse Logic==============================
rem ==============================Playing Othello==============================

rem ==============================Display Result==============================

rem Calcuate numbers of white and black stones.
rem ------------------------------
set whitecnt=0
set blackcnt=0
for /l %%n in (1,1,8) do (
   for /l %%m in (1,1,8) do (

      if !array[%%n][%%m]!==〇 (
         set /a whitecnt=whitecnt+1
      ) else if !array[%%n][%%m]!==● (
         set /a blackcnt=blackcnt+1
rem ------------------------------

rem Display in command line and save them if necessary.
rem ------------------------------
if %whitecnt% gtr %blackcnt% (
   echo Player A win (A:%whitecnt%, B:%blackcnt%^)
) else if %whitecnt% equ %blackcnt% (
   echo Draw (A:%whitecnt%, B:%blackcnt%^)
) else if %whitecnt% lss %blackcnt% (
   echo Player B win (A:%whitecnt%, B:%blackcnt%^)

if "%1"=="" (
   rem No save
) else (
   if %whitecnt% gtr %blackcnt% (
      echo Player A win (A:%whitecnt%, B:%blackcnt%^) >> "%1.txt"
   ) else if %whitecnt% equ %blackcnt% (
      echo Draw (A:%whitecnt%, B:%blackcnt%^) >> "%1.txt"
   ) else if %whitecnt% lss %blackcnt% (
      echo Player B win (A:%whitecnt%, B:%blackcnt%^) >> "%1.txt"
rem ------------------------------
rem ==============================Display Result==============================